New Evidence Act text released

I posted about resources available for the new Evidence Act a while back, and as the commencement date draws closer (even if it’s still not officially announced yet), I’m trying to absorb as much information about the changes as I can.

Thomson just released the 3rd edition of Uniform Evidence Law: Commentary & Materials by Miiko Kumar, Stephen Odgers and Elisabeth Peden.

Why another text book? Well, this one is a little less annotated-legislative-commentary and a bit more expansive and discursive commentary. And if — like me — you’re still trying to get across all the changes, another informed perspective can only be a good thing.

LexisNexis also publishes The New Law of Evidence, and Thomson publishes Stephen Odgers’ Uniform Evidence Law.

And an edit: I just came across yet another text, Uniform Evidence Law from Federation Press. At 720 pages, it’s bound to contain some useful material too.

A reminder too that the Australian, New South Wales and Victorian Law Reform Commissions produced joint publications discussing the new Act:

And the Judicial College of Victoria provides online resources including:

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